Online Admission for 2025 to 2026
Urgent Vacancy Notice

Immaculate Conception Convent Higher Secondary School

Immaculate Conception Convent

Higher Secondary School

  1. No one who is late or has been absent will be admitted to class without the permission of the principal. Leave of absence will be granted for sufficient reason but only on application from parents/guardians concerned. Students who are absent without leave must bring from the parents/guardians a note of satisfactory explanation. Entries should be made in the school diary, too.
  2. In case of any infectious disease, parents should keep their child at home till the danger of infection has passed and the student returning to the school after suffering from such a disease should produce doctor’s certificate of fitness.
  3. Before and after holidays (summer, Christmas, Diwali), the students should be present on both closing day and reopening day of the school. Absentees is liable to be fined up to Rs. 100/-. In case of illness, the Principal must be informed in writing on the closing or the opening day whichever is applicable.
  4. Irregular attendance or repeated absence makes a student liable to dismissal.
  5. For prolonged ill health, the parents of the pupil in question shall meet the Principal personally. They have to produce medical certificate if needed.
  6. A student may be granted leave without sending leave application on the prescribed leave form
  7. A student may be sanctioned 11 leaves in a year. A student is liable to be fined Rs.10 per day for any exceeding on authorized absence up to another 7 working days from the school.
  8. A heavy (up to 2000/-) may be imposed on a student who is regularly irregular. Irregular attendance are repeated absence may also render a student liable to dismissal.
  9. Short leave may be granted in urgent cases only when the parent guardian personally approaches the principal in this respect.
  10. In all cases, sanction of leave shall be at the discretion of the principal.
  11. Students are not allowed to leave the school during the working hours without getting permission from the Principal. In such cases, they shall obtain permission slip from the school office signed by the Principal.
  12. The students should be punctual and regular in attendance. Suitable fine will be charged from students who fail to comply with the regulations regarding punctuality, attendance and uniform, along with other disciplinary measures.
  13. Absenting oneself before examination will mean a deduction of two marks in every subject.
  14. Students are not allowed to leave school for whatever reason once they are marked as ‘present’. Therefore, please do not approach the school authorities with a request for permission to leave.
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