Online Admission for 2025 to 2026
Urgent Vacancy Notice

Immaculate Conception Convent Higher Secondary School

Immaculate Conception Convent

Higher Secondary School

(For students and Staff)

Disasters in India bring about great misfortune and calamity as there is lack of awareness among the people in general. Disasters disrupt normal life and have a great impact on social structure. Creating disaster awareness amongst our students and staff has been of great importance to us. Therefore, the first step in this direction is to ensure their safety. We conduct regular emergency evacuation drills for the safety of our students. Mentioned below are some the steps that need to be taken when a student/staff member hears the emergency siren.

1. Leave the floor immediately by the staircase.
2. Assemble at your pre-determined assembly point outside the building.
3. Do not shout or panic.
4. Do not stop or go back to your classroom to collect your personal belongings.
5. Cling to the wall.
6. Stand under the arch.
7. Immediately switch off the lights, fans.
8. Inform any staff member immediately.
Your safety is our concern!

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