Patron :- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Colour :- YELLOW
Motto :- ” Hope brings Joy.”
Date :- 16th July
Our lady of Mt. Carmel brings hope to a world burdened with many ills. Right through history she has never failed to bring solace and strength to the sad and weary. A member of the house of Carmel must always be a ray of hope and reach out to the needy, using time and talent, there by lightness a candle where there is darkness.
We assemble here to day
Lady of Mount Carmel pray
That you would from every ill
Guard our wayward footsteps still
Guide us with your heavenly light
Morning Star of radiance bright
Ave Maria, Mother dear
Smile upon your children here
Gentle Lady, every blest
On Thine aid our hope we rest
Be your advocate on high
In your Home beyond the sky.
Patron :- Mother Veronica
Colour :- Green
Motto :- ” In his presence we stand and serve.”
Date :- 16th November
She concentrated on the education of girls, empowerment of women and the less privileged. Her strong desire for life of contemplation led her to opt for the Cloistered Carmel of Pau France. Following in the footsteps of Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ and our founderss Mother Veronica, we her daughters, seek to enkindle the fire of Divine love in the hearts of all God’s children. Through education and other works of mercy, we seek to promote the Kingdom values of Justice, Fellowship and Freedom, thereby bringing harmony in Society especially to the ‘target group’ of the locality.
A new Star has risen from the ocean
Veronica is her name
To join other stars in the heaven above
of the great family of Carmel
Veronica, Veronica
The whole world hails you today
Veronica, Veronica.
You showed Carmel a new way
Lets Holy Humility and Sweet And gentle patience be
the continual rule of Your conduct.
A simple grateful though towards heaven is the most complete prayer.
Veronica, Veronica
The whole world hails you today.
Patron :- St. Therese, The Little Flower
Colour :- RED
Motto :- ” God is Love “
Date :- 1st October
St.Therese was remarkable for her boundless confidence in God. She performed perfectly well the duties of her daily life to express her love for God. Like St. Therese every member of the House of Lisieux must be known by her spirit of cheerfulness and devotion to duty.
1.ONE BY ONE she plucked the petals
From the roses white and red
Plucked them with her dying fingers
Kissed and strewed them round her head
Ch: Day by day Therese of Carmel
Like the flower of Calvary
Gave unto the stricken Jesus
Perfume sweet of sympathy.
2. In her eyes the piteous vision
Of His foretold leper face
In her ears the ruthless jeering
Round the fairest of our race ……Ch.
Patron :- Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Colour :- BLUE
Motto :- ” Seeing God in Human “
Date :- 4th September
She loved the work of missionaries. She then made the decision to become a nun and dedicate her life for the service of humanity. In India she taught at Loreto School , this was the time that Teresa claimed to hear the calling of God , who told her to help sick and needy. She did every possible to ease their sufferings.
Saint Teresa of Kolkata in your life of love and service.
You brought a ray of hope-
And ocean of happiness
To the poor and the lonely
CH. We praise the lord our God
Who has brought great things in you on Saint Teresa of Kolkata
Pray for the poor
Saint Teresa of Calcutta in your life of prayer and worship
You quenched the thirst of Christ
In the suffering and the abandoned
In the poorest of the poor