Online Admission for 2025 to 2026
Urgent Vacancy Notice

Immaculate Conception Convent Higher Secondary School

  1. Admission to Sacred Heart Convent School , Machhiwara implies on the part of the pupil and the parents willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
  2. Parents and teachers are required to switch off their mobile phones in the school complex.
  3. Students are required to come to school in clean and tidy uniform on all day and at school functions or whenever required by the school administration. In exceptional circumstances when a student is unable to wear the complete school uniform, she/he would be allowed to attend the class provided a request is made by the parent on the page given this book.
  4. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards the members of the staff and bad moral influence will lead to immediate dismissal. The pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
  5. A prior permission from the principal is to be obtained for any kind of leave except in case of sudden ill health or death at home. No leave of absence shall be granted except for serious reasons. A booklet of leave format will be issued to all the students along with the diary. The students should read and duly fill in the leave forms and submit it to the class teacher.
  6. Students are strictly forbidden to bring objectionable literature/picture or to purchase any article of food from unauthorized dealers at or near the school premises.
  7. Care must be taken of the school property. The students must not scratch or spoil the furniture, write on the walls or in any way damage what is provided for their use. Any kind of damage done to school property must be made good.
  8. Principal/Vice Principal permission ought to be sought if any student wants to put any article or poster. Only those posters will be displayed in any display board including class rooms board that which are signed by the Class Teacher, the House Animator or the Principal or Vice Principal.
  9. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. It is not advisable for children to bring valuable articles to school. Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged.
  10. Students are expected to behave well at all times both inside and outside the school building. Throwing things at one another is strictly forbidden.
  11. Parents are not allowed to see their children or interview the teachers during school hours, except with the permission of the Principal.
  12. Only those pupils who have paid all school fees for the entire academic year are permitted to appear for the final examination.
  14. Should the school get over earlier on any day due to unavoidable reasons, the students should be instructed to remain in the campus till he/she is picked up by the guardian concerned.
  15. No student will be allowed to leave the school during school hours except when parents directly contact the Principal /Vice Principal and obtain written permission for the same.
  16. No student is allowed to come out of the class without teacher’s permission and without a class pass.
  17. Pupils must develop a sense of discipline in the school premises. No pupil is expected to shout or wander in the class rooms and school corridors. They are required to keep school complex, class rooms and corridors clean. They shall throw all waste in dustbins.
  18. Special classes, co-curricular, inter-house, intra-club and inter-class activities may be organized on Saturdays as and when required. Participation will be deemed compulsory in such cases.
  19. Co-curricular activities (CCA) and outdoor activities such as class picnics, campus and study tours shall be compulsory for all and expenses will be charged from the students.
  20. No student is permitted to bring cell phone to the school complex. If any cell phone found in possession of the student may be seized. And such seized cell phones shall not be given back and such a student may be suspended for five working days.
  21. After pre-board examination, pupil (of classes VIII & X) are required to come to school daily till preparatory leave is declared. No leave shall be sanctioned except for illness. In case of illness doctor’s certificate is to be produced by the parents/guardian. A fine of Rs.100/- will be charged as fine for a single day’s leave.
  22. Duplicate copies of Transfer Certificate are ordinarily not issued. In special cases such certificate will be issued, after verification, on payment of Rs.200/-
  23. A student who is caught using unfair means in the examination, is awarded zero in the concerned paper and it could lead to his/her dismissal.
  24. Ordinarily a school diary is published under the authority of the school each year. Any change in the school rules is notified in the diary. Each pupil must possess a copy of the school diary.
  25. Important Information: – Duplicate copy of ‘School Diary’ will be issued only by the Principal, after verification, on a payment Rs.250/- Children must take care to bring this diary daily to school and also to safeguard it.
  26. Each student must possess an identity card issued by the school. It should be worn around neck whenever he/she is in the school complex.
  27. Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) is to be attended by all parents/guardians of the wards. Students of those parents who fail to attend PTM without prior written information will not be allowed to attend the classes for a period of three working days.
  28. Students are expected to reach the school campus five minutes before the first bell for morning assembly. Those who are late must obtain permission from the concerned in charges who make entries in the diaries of latecomers before entering the school building. After making three late arrival entries in the diary, Rs.20/- will be charged as fine for every subsequent late arrival from the latecomer.
  29. Following the directions of the Punjab Government’s order and having conscientious knowledge on environment disasters. It is hereby declared that St. Sacred Heart Convent School campus is a ‘No Plastic Zone’. Hence, no one is permitted to enter the school campus with plastics in possession.
  30. Every student must be punctual. A latecomer may not be permitted to attend the classes for the first four periods of the day.
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